Monday 8 November 2010

Strong Is The New Skinny

Thanks to a Facebook post by Rachel Cosgrove, I've come across a great new movement... Strong Is The New Skinny, based on a particular post in a blog, which is taking shape and making strides.  While I think "Strong Is The New Beautiful" is a great message, "Strong Is The New Skinny" is more powerful right now.  Skinny has been king (or even queen) in the modelling, film and entertainment world for such a long time even for the front cover of some fitness magazines for women which just seems absurd.  Skinny is not something to aspire to in the same way that Morbidly Obese is not something to aspire to.  Neither is good, neither is healthy and neither is something that should be put on a pedestal as the ideal of beauty, yet Skinny is there right now and has been for many decades.  I want to see Strong up there where Skinny is.  And I want to be part of getting it there.

Though I'm laid up in bed feeling crap, I'm still excited and thrilled by videos like this one:-

OK, so some of the pull-ups and lifts are a little snatched and silly, but the overall effect... that's what I want.  Yes, women have a different hormonal make-up from men but it shouldn't get in the way of aspiring to strength, health and fitness.

Now, to get me a couple of gym-tops with that slogan on it... annoyingly the "official" ones are sold from the US and suffer from the usual  problems with import duty and the messing about with the Royal Mail to get the delivery released etc.


  1. annoyingly the "official" ones are sold from the US and suffer from the usual problems with import duty and the messing about with the Royal Mail to get the delivery released etc.
    I have fiends in the US who might be willing to help.

  2. Great post, would you mind if I linked it in my blog??
    That video clip is something else ... don;t think I could do 1 pull-up!!
    Also, check out UK supplier (all be it very limited stock by the looks of it)

  3. Hesadevil - might be interesting, though the guys from the official end are seeing what can be done :o)

    BabyWilt - thanks and yeah, link any time you want to! :o) Not sure the CafePress one is "official", but we'll see what comes back from Adam and Marsha...

  4. You could always personalise your own at cafe press

    Let me know if you want Molli to get you one in the US and mail it to me. Need size, style, colour etc. She's online at the moment and ready to go.

  5. Great idea - I think moving away from skinny to a healthy and strong ideal is so much more empowering for women - you can be alsorts of shapes and sizes and still be strong and healthy - love the idea for the gym tops!

  6. Crossfit seems to produce amazingly hot women.

    It's a bit pants for men in that it produces wiry distance-runner guys rather than any real strength but as long as it keeps turning out Crossfit girls, I remain generally approving.

  7. Love it! Have invited lots of friends to the facebook group. As you know I've been a long time advocate of the strong > skinny look :D

  8. Jo - great idea, isn't it? Can't wait for my tank vest to arrive so I can wear it in the gym/to the shops/pretty much everywhere :o)

  9. Thanks for the heads up Kate! Checked out her blog yesterday :-)
