Tuesday 20 April 2010

Review coming up!

I got a freebie!  A "Pulp" fruit puree to try:-

Apple, strawberry and blueberry.  100% fruit.  Pureed.  1 pouch is 1 of your 5 a day.  So, I'll try it tomorrow and let you all know what I think.

I also have some new running/gym/triathlon gear to talk about, from Pearl Izumi.  I ran in it today, so it got a good try out.


  1. I had one of those the other day, free from Ocado. Low enough calorie to be worth a try even though I account pulped fruit differently to whole fruit.

    I tipped it in a glass and topped up with tonic water and it was very refreshing.

  2. I think tonic water was a much better idea than just plain water as I did...
