Thursday 15 July 2010

First run through

My new routine is only set for 3 weeks and today was the first full run through.  Of course my trainer gave me 2 sets of everything and the first thing I do is up it to 3 sets of everything.  It's a leg-heavy routine which is why I didn't want to be cycling anywhere after doing it, though I will be cycling tomorrow.  It's pretty disappointing with respect to kcals burned for the routine, despite the rowing intervals at the end; the lower number of compound exercises is to blame this time, there's really only a couple of those.  Anyway, I'll see how my legs feel in the morning, but it was hard going on the single leg squats and the leg extensions.  Cycling in to work may have to be gentle.

B - greek yogurt with 1 scoop MP Max, Yeo Valley fruit compote and flaked almonds
S - banana
S - 1 scoop MP Max in skimmed milk
L - salad; lettuce, beetroot, cherry tomatoes, celery, chicken fillet
S - carrot and houmous
S - greek yogurt with strawberries and agave nectar
D - Waitrose pork and plum tomato sausages and butternut squash mash

Calories (kcal)
[kcals to maintain weight (inc. exercise)
Protein (g) 112.7 (34.2%)
Carbohydrate (g) 127.7 (36.3%)
Fat (g) 43.3 (29.5%)
Fibre (g) 27.1
Fruit & Veg 15.3


  1. Sounds like you've been really going for it on the exercise front this week. Do you find having a trainer really helpful in terms of developing weights routines and so on? I just make it up as I go along and sometimes I think I could do with talking to a professional about my training plan and how I can make it more effective.

  2. Laura: the only reason I use a trainer is for the routines :o) I don't need the motivation or geeing up to get to the gym, but I do need someone to come up with an innovative programme every 4-5 weeks to keep things interesting and my body guessing. Also, if a (good) pro is putting together my routines I can be more sure that they're well balanced and helping me towards my specific goals. Pus he remembers stuff like sticking in some mad intervals at the end just to finish me off :o)

    Tam: thanks! I do get stuck in food ruts and end up having the same thing almost every day for breakfast, so I do worry about monotony in the menu ;o)
