Friday 20 August 2010

Letting out the leash a little

Good ride yesterday; 38 minutes in to the office and 42 minutes or so back (I forgot to turn off my HRM when I got back so I'm guessing there).  Thighs were still a bit sore so decided not to gym today after all.  So this week has been only 2x weights sessions, which I'd normally fix by going to the gym at the weekend to top it up to 3x, but given there's about 140km cycling to do, I'm not gymming.

I've been being quite lax with food and drink this week - nothing really bad, all under maintenance until today.  Today has, so far, included a shop-bought lunch for the first time in months and a cupcake (strawberry one from EAT, see dodgy photo:o))... there's dinner out later and a couple of beers (not too many as it's an earlyish start in the morning and a lot of miles to cover) so I'll be well over maintenance today, but then I'm calling it carb loading for the long ride :o)  It'll be interesting to see how many kcals I earn on the trip; I'm guessing 1,500-1,800 each way depending on how long it takes.

There are planned pit-stops on the way and I fully expect to be in excess on balance by the end of the week.  Oh, and it's taper week next week:-

Monday - rest & recover from cycling
Tuesday - rest or cycle
Wednesday - PT session "fun" session (i.e. not doing routine)
Thursday - rest
Friday - rest or cycle
Saturday - rest or gentle run
Sunday - rest
Monday - final TTT


  1. We have shopped to fit in at closely as possible with your normal eating pattern.

    Will you be here for lunch tomorrow? Any idea of ETA?

  2. Yum sometimes a girls just gotta have a cupcake and that one looks delish x x
