Wednesday 6 January 2010


OK, so the protein powder is officially Good. But, of course, I didn't order any more until the day before yesterday so I've now not got any for tomorrow. Drat. Still, there's chocolate milk to keep me going until it arrives. Really really hope it comes tomorrow at some point so I can get back to it on Friday morning.

Natural, strained Greek Yogurt for breakfast, with protein powder, fruit compote and a sprinkling of nuts is pretty nice. The protein powder is more than sweet enough to make the natural yogurt really quite decadent tasting, so I'll be doing that for a while I think.

Exercise - 50 minutes weights (HRmax - 184, HR avg - 158)

B - Greek yogurt with 1 scoop whey, Summer Fruits compote and a sprinkle of walnuts
S - banana
S - chocolate milk
L - salad - spinach, tomato, red pepper, capers, spring onion, prawns and lemon juice
S - carrot and caramelised onion houmous
S - clementines
S - fruit & nut mix
D - venison steak with mashed potato, sweet potato and carrot and broccoli

Calories (kcal)
[Kcals to maintain weight (inc. exercise)
Protein (g) 113.5 (27.6%)
Carbohydrate (g) 192.7 (43.9)
Fat (g) 52.0 (28.5%)
Fruit & Veg 12.6

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